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Errymondo Srl
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Errymondo Srl
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#2334 din 2334 de Companii din Moda / Articole Vestimentare
Membru Gratuit din 2014
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Scrie o parere
Errymondo Srl Errymondo Srl +390823696228 Italy, Naples, Campania, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

second hand clothes, used clothes, used shoes

Tipul companiei

Import - Export

Piata de desfacere

Europa Centrala/Est

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2014!
Errymondo Srl Italy offers a new price list for this year!

We have expanded the selection with novelties, I sincerely hope that they will interest you!

Errymondo Srl was founded in 1993 and today is one of the main Italian exporters of second-hand clothing and footwear.
We sort the following positions: cream, extra, I and II class of original Italian processing, as well as original from Germany, England and Switzerland. In stock - clothes, shoes, bags, fur products, household items, toys...
And we can also offer the original (collection region Northern Italy) at a favorable price

Our advantage is that we use the original Italian assortment, our products are of high quality, rich assortment and good Italian taste!

I will be happy to provide you with complete information about our product!

Information is provided in Italian, English, Ukrainian and Russian languages.

You can always contact:

office: +390823696228
Viber, WhatsApp +393312861460
Din Gura in Gura